Packages documentation
Installing Unity

在 Unity 中操作

This section provides a complete introduction to Unity:

Getting Started Downloading and installing Unity, getting set up to start your first project, and a quick tour of the Editor.

Asset Workflow How to get assets into Unity from a variety of different sources, including graphics, art and sound from external programs, Package files from other developers, and ready-made Assets from our Asset Store and the Standard Assets bundled with Unity.

主窗口 深入说明 Unity 中常用的每个主窗口,包括有用的快捷方式和热键。

Creating Gameplay How to get started making Scenes, GameObjects and Components; reading input; and adding gameplay or interactivity to your Project.

Editor Features Information about many of the Editor’s powerful features, to help you customize your workflow, integrate with external tools, and extend the Editor itself.

Advanced Development Information for experienced developers who want to take projects further using Plug-ins, AssetBundles, and other more advanced development techniques.

Advanced Editor Topics Take full control of the Editor, find out how it works under the hood, and learn how to script and customise the Asset pipeline and the Editor itself.

许可证和激活 了解如何激活 Unity 并管理许可证。

升级指南 有关升级使用旧版 Unity 创作的项目的重要说明。

Packages documentation
Installing Unity